E-mail: piotr.hermanowski@amu.edu.pl
Phone: 0048-61-829 6056
Room: 264
Phone: 0048-61-829 6056
Room: 264
- Glacial geology
- Groundwater dynamics
Scientific interests:
- Quaternary geology
- glacial geology and geomorphology
- subglacial processes
- groundwater numerical modelling
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., 2019 – Impact of subglacial groundwater flow in the formation of Stargard drumlin field, NW Poland – insights from numerical modelling. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 21, EGU2019-10286, EGU General Assembly 2019
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., 2017 – Transient conditions at the ice/bed interface under a palaeo-ice stream derived from numerical simulation of groundwater flow and sedimentological observations in a drumlin field, NW Poland, Abstract C31B-06 presented at 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec.
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., 2017 – Palaeo-ice stream dynamics derived from geomorphological and geological characteristics of drumlins in the Stargard drumlin field, NW Poland. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. 49, No. 6, 134-11. GSA Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington, USA – 2017. doi: 10.1130/abs/2017AM-296208
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., 2017 – Diversified internal composition of drumlins in the Stargard drumlin field, NW Poland and its implications for the subglacial processes. International Meeting of Sedimentology 2017 – Toulouse, 10-12 October 2017: 407
- Hermanowski, P., Szuman-Kalita, I., 2017 – Geneza drumlinów na podstawie analiz sedymentologicznych, stargardzkie pole drumlinowe. XI Zjazd Geomorfologów Polskich, Naturalne i antropogeniczne uwarunkowania rozwoju rzeźby, 13-15 Września, Warszawa: 66
- Hermanowski, P., 2017 – Przestrzenna zmienność dynamiki i kierunków ruchu lądolodu na podstawie analiz geomorfologicznych, stargardzkie pole drumlinowe. XI Zjazd Geomorfologów Polskich, Naturalne i antropogeniczne uwarunkowania rozwoju rzeźby, 13-15 Września, Warszawa: 65
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., 2017 – Morphometry of the Stargard drumlin field (NW Poland) in the terminal zone of a major Weichselian palaeo-ice stream. INQUA Peribaltic Working Group Meeting and Excursion 2017, 20-25 August 2017: 107-108
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., 2017 – Geomorphological characteristics of elongate subglacial bedforms in the terminal zone of a palaeo-ice stream, NW Poland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, EGU2017-4040, EGU General Assembly 2017
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., Szuman-Kalita, I., 2017 – Subglacial processes revealed by the internal structure of drumlins, Stargard drumlin field, NW Poland. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 19, EGU2017-4048, EGU General Assembly 2017
- Piotrowski, J.A., Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, A., 2010 – Time-dependent modelling of subglacial groundwater/channels interactions and their impact on ice sheet behaviour under the LGM Odra lobe, southern Scandinavian Ice Sheet. 29th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, Oslo, 11-13 January: 147
- Hermanowski, P., 2009 – Paleoglacjologia lobu Odry zlodowacenia Wisły, Polska północnozachodnia i północnowschodnie Niemcy. Konferencja Geomorfologów Polskich nt. Metody badań w geomorfologii, Kielce, Wrzesień 28-30: 71
- Piotrowski, J.A., Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, A., 2009 – Interactions between groundwater flow, ice sheet dynamics and landforming processes beneath the Odra ice lobe, central European Lowland. Glaciogenic Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems Conference, The Geological Society, London , 1-2 December: 19-20
- Piotrowski, J.A., Hermanowski, P., 2009 – Interactions Between Groundwater Flow, Ice Sheet Dynamics and Landforming Processes Beneath the Odra Ice Lobe, Central European Lowland. Eos Trans. AGU, 90 (22). Jt. Assem. Suppl., Toronto, May 24-27, Abstract GA71B-02
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A. & Piotrowski, A., 2008 – Groundwater flow under a land-based palaeo-ice stream of the Scandinavian ice sheet and its geomorphological implications. International Geological Congress, Oslo, 5-14 August 2008
- Piotrowski, J.A., Hermanowski, P., Piechota, A., 2008 – Fast ice flow at the southern fringe of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet facilitated by specific subglacial meltwater drainage conditions. EGU General Assembly 2008, Vienna, 13-18 April 2008, Geophysical Research Abstracts 10, 1607-7962
- Piotrowski, J.A., Hermanowski, P., Pisarska-Jamrozy, M., Piechota, A., 2008 – Was the Odra lobe a major palaeo-ice stream of the southern Scandinavian Ice Sheet? – A preliminary study. 28th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, 7-10 January 2008, Aalborg, Denmark: 153
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., 2007 – Substratum morphology, ice thickness estimation and the location of tunnel valleys as proxies in the reconstruction of the dynamics of the Odra lobe during the Last Glaciation. Geopomerania, September 24-27, 2007, Szczecin, Poland. Schriftenreihe der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Goewissenschaften (Abstract-Volume), 53: 117
- Hermanowski, P., Pisarska-Jamroży, M., Piotrowski, J.A., 2006 – Subglacial drainage through the Banie tunnel channel during the Weichselian glaciation, NW Poland. QRA 5th International Postgraduate Symposium, Edinburgh, UK, August 29 – September 1: 31-32
- Hermanowski, P., Piechota, A.M., Piotrowski, J.A., 2006 – Groundwater flow re-organization under the last Scandinavian Ice Sheet in northern Poland. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, October 22-25, 2006. GSA Abstracts with Programs, 38:333
- Hermanowski, P., Piechota, A.M., Piotrowski, J.A., 2006 – Drenaż subglacjalny i jego wpływ na procesy glacjalne w czasie zlodowacenia Vistulianu na Niżu Polskim. III Ogólnopolskie Sympozjum Człowiek i Środowisko Przyrodnicze Pomorza Zachodniego, Szczecin-Łukęcin, May 10-12, 2006: 91
- Hermanowski, P., Piechota, A.M., Piotrowski, J.A., Jania, J., 2006 – Hydrogeological aspects of the Weichselian glaciation in the Polish lowland area. 27th Nordic Geological Winter Meeting, University of Oulu, Finland, January 9-12, 2006; Bulletin of the Geological Society of Finland, Special Issue, 1: 48
- Piotrowski, J.A., Wspanialy, A., Ber, A., Piechota, A., Hermanowski, P., 2006 – Tunnel valley in Poland from numerical experiments: now you see them, now you don’t. EU Workshop BurVal, GeoZentrum Hannover, Germany, November 29-30
- Piotrowski, J.A., Hermanowski, P., Wspanialy, A., Lulek, A., Munck, F., Kronborg, C., Rattas, M., 2004 – Modelling subglacial groundwater flow at the southern margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet: a key to understanding ice sheet behaviour? Workshop on Groundwater Dynamics and Global Change, Agricultural University of Norway, April 14-16
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., Duda, P., 2020. Till kinematics in the Stargard drumlin field, NW Poland constrained by microstructural proxies. Journal of Quaternary Science, 35: 920–934.
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski J.A., Szuman, I., 2019 – An erosional origin for drumlins of NW Poland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44: 2030-2050.
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., 2019 – Groundwater Flow Under a Paleo-Ice Stream of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and Its Implications for the Formation of Stargard Drumlin Field, NW Poland. Journal of Geophysical Research, 124: 1720–1741.
- Hermanowski, P., Duda, P., 2019. Zastosowanie mikrotomografii komputerowej do badania orientacji klastów w glinach lodowcowych. Przegląd Geologiczny, 67: 653–661.
- Hermanowski, P., Popiel, D., Kukulski, W., 2018 – Numerical analysis of human pressure on groundwater budget in the area of the Żurawiniec peat bog nature reserve in Poznań. Biuletyn PIG, 471: 41-50 (in Polish with English abstract and summary)
- Hermanowski, P., Ignaszak, T., 2017 – Groundwater vulnerability based on four different assessment methods and their quantitative comparison in a typical North European Lowland river catchment (the Pliszka catchment, western Poland). Geological Quarterly, 61: 166-176
- Przybyłek, J., Hermanowski, P., 2016 – Methodical and interpretational defects of numerical models – that is the model is not so attractive as it is painted. [In:] Practical methods of groundwater flow modelling, Witczak S, Żurek A. (eds.), Agencja Reklamowa Studio-eM Bień Magdalena, Kraków: 263-270, ISBN 978-83-88927-38-6 (in Polish)
- Hermanowski, P., 2015 – Substratum morphology and significance during the Weichselian Odra ice lobe advance in northeast Germany and northwest Poland. Geologos, 21: 241-248
- Hermanowski, P., Michalak, J., 2012 – Numerical analysis of water lifting influence on groundwater system in the area of projected attenuation reservoir “Boboszów”, Nysa Kłodzka catchment. Biuletyn PIG, 451: 81-90 (in Polish with English abstract)
- Hermanowski, P., 2010 – Palaeoglaciology of the Weichselian Odra ice lobe, NE Germany and NW Poland. Landform Analysis, 14: 12-24
- Hermanowski, P., 2010 – Main Quaternary and Tertiary aquifers in the upper Odra river catchment. [In:] Water Resources Management in the Odra river basin – 2010, Mońka B. (ed). Regional Water Management Board in Wrocław, Poland: 77-86 (in Polish with English abstract)
- Hermanowski, P., Piotrowski, J.A., 2009 – Subglacial drainage and its influence on the dynamics of the Weichselian Odra lobe. Przegląd Geologiczny, 57: 504-512 (in Polish with English abstract)
- Piotrowski J.A., Hermanowski P., Piechota A.M., 2009 – Meltwater discharge through the subglacial bed and its land-forming consequences from numerical experiments in the Polish lowland during the last glaciation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 34: 481-492
- Hermanowski, P., 2007 – Morphology of the Vistulian (Weichselian) glaciation substratum in the area of Polish part of the Odra lobe. Przegląd Geologiczny, 55, 133-139 (in Polish with English abstract)
- Hermanowski, P., 2005 – Factors forming temperature at the ice/bed interface. Scientific Papers of the Institute of Mining of the Wroclaw University of Technology, 110, 195-202 (in Polish)